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Not breaking down yet... my husband broke my stuff down!

I'm in the USA for a training on ITK, VTK and Slicer generously provided for free by Kitware! I met the leader of the medical computing group before the official training kicks off.

I was surprised to learn many things. Interestingly, I will not be the only medical doctor in the room for the training. I'll be training with radiologists from Duke and UNC; but of course we will be outnumbered by computer scientists, programmers and engineers who program. We will all be writing code.

I'm still shocked any other medical doctors are coming. If the other doctors code and cope with many technologies as well as I do (which is to say with moderate difficulty compared to a full time programmer), I'm predicting one of us doctors will have a melt down by the second day as we struggle with version control while some PhD in computer science writes hundreds of lines of efficient code without breaking a sweat. I only hope that medical doctor having a nervous breakdown isn't me.... (and if so, I'll work on looking more serene than my typical meltdown look illustrated below)

On the upside, my husband helped me create a sort of Readme type file for the technologically illiterate radiology crowd who use Windows. I liked to it on my Github readme file... I hope there are people even less technologically literate than myself at the training (it hurts my ego to be the absolute worst)...and if there is such a technologically clueless person, who is interested in doing research with some of my projects they can just go here:

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